
DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction

DRESS stands for 'Drug Rash, Eosinophilia, Systemic Symptoms or Syndrome'. Includes internal organ involvement (liver, bone marrow, kindney, lung, heart in the form of myocarditis (PMID 21658796)) and occasionally MOF/MODS. Respiratory involvement (in about 15% of the patients), is in the form of cough, dyspnea, wheezing, pleural effusion, pulmonary infiltrates or PIE. See also under eosinophilic pneumonia. A precise definition of the syndrome has been available since 1996 (Bocquet et al.). Earlier cases of 'Drug Hypersensitivity' in the literature likely represent authentic DRESS cases. Review and lists of causal drugs at PMID 21592453, 26354734. Reviews at PMID 23602182, 23602183, 25592341, 30140942, 32247873 Cardiac involvement: PMID 35160164
Last update : 01/01/1970

Causative drugs


Anticoagulants, oral (vitamin K antagonists-VKA)

I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis
III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma
III.k III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.k - Epistaxis
IV.af IV - Airway involvement
IV.af - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings
V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion
V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion
VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma
VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death)
VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
VIII.u VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.u - Vocal cord hematoma
VIII.v VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.v - Retropharyngeal hematoma (may cause UAO)
IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression)
XI.am XI - Miscellaneous
XI.am - Rectus abdominis hematoma
XII.ar XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.ar - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma
XIX.d XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.d - BAL: Gross or microscopic bleeding/hemorrhage
XIX.e XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.e - BAL: Stainable iron in macrophages
XXIV.e XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.e - Veterinary: Tracheal hemorrhage, stenosis, collapse

Aspirin (Salicylate-ASA) - Aspirin containing drugs

I.a I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS)
I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia)
I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf)
II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE)
II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis
III.m III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.m - Coagulopathy
IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma
IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal)
V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion
VII.b VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.b - Lymphadenopathy with reactive changes
VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death)
VIII.y VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.y - Sinonasal discharge, -blockage, -obstruction
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal)
X.h X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.h - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss)
X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative)
X.q X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.q - Systemic inflammatory response
X.u X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.u - Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS/MOF)
XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent
XI.d XI - Miscellaneous
XI.d - Metabolic acidosis (incl. lactic acidosis/-gap). May cause hyperpnea/dyspnea
XI.as XI - Miscellaneous
XI.as - Pharmacobezoar
XI.az XI - Miscellaneous
XI.az - Sneezing (may cause pulmonary barotrauma)
XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension
XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-)
XII.af XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.af - Coronary vasospasm - Vasospastic angina
XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib)
XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL)
XV.w XV - Pathology
XV.w - Path: Pulmonary edema (see also II/IIa)


I.a I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS)
I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD)
I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia)
I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging)
I.k I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.k - Lung nodule or nodules
I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf)
II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE)
II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury
IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma
V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs)
V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus)
VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic)
VII.b VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.b - Lymphadenopathy with reactive changes
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd)
X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative)
XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure
XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade)
XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant)
XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP)
XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-)
XIII.b XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.b - Lymphoproliferative disease (pulmonary, endobronchial, endothoracic)
XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib)
XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic)
XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id)
XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im)
XVI.ab XVI - Imaging
XVI.ab - Imaging: Cavitating/cavitary lung nodule, mass or nodules (see also Iq, XIs, XIIi, XVIaa and XVIIp)


I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD)
I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia)
I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging)
I.e I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.e - Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP)
II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury
VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension
IX.a IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.a - Diaphragm/inspiratory muscle weakness/paralysis (w/wo ARF)
IX.i IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.i - Respiratory arrest - Apnea
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
XI.r XI - Miscellaneous
XI.r - Death following exposure or poisoning
XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic)
XII.h XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.h - Eosinophilic myocarditis
XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP)
XII.m XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.m - Cardiac- cardiorespiratory/pulmonary arrest
XII.p XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.p - QTc prolongation
XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-)
XIV.a XIV - Hemoglobinopathies - Abnormal hemoglobin states (acquired)
XIV.a - Methemoglobinemia
XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic)
XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id)
XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils


I.a I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS)
I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD)
I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia)
II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE)
II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis
V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion
V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion
VI.f VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.f - Hemolytic and uremic syndrome (HUS). See also under Xaf
VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death)
VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
VIII.k VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.k - Submucosal airway petechiae/hemorrhage
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement)
X.q X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.q - Systemic inflammatory response
XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression)
XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib)
XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id)
XIX.c XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.c - BAL: An excess proportion of eosinophils