Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma
Causative drugs
V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
Anticoagulants, oral (vitamin K antagonists-VKA)
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma III.k III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.k - Epistaxis IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death) VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) VIII.u VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.u - Vocal cord hematoma VIII.v VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.v - Retropharyngeal hematoma (may cause UAO) IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI - Miscellaneous - Rectus abdominis hematoma XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma XIX.d XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.d - BAL: Gross or microscopic bleeding/hemorrhage XIX.e XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.e - BAL: Stainable iron in macrophages XXIV.e XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.e - Veterinary: Tracheal hemorrhage, stenosis, collapse
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma III.k III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.k - Epistaxis IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death) VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) VIII.u VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.u - Vocal cord hematoma VIII.v VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.v - Retropharyngeal hematoma (may cause UAO) IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI - Miscellaneous - Rectus abdominis hematoma XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma XIX.d XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.d - BAL: Gross or microscopic bleeding/hemorrhage XIX.e XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.e - BAL: Stainable iron in macrophages XXIV.e XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.e - Veterinary: Tracheal hemorrhage, stenosis, collapse
Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease - Pulmonary infiltrates II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.h III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.h - Major/massive hemoptysis III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV.z IV - Airway involvement
IV.z - Bronchial wall erosion/hematoma IV.ah IV - Airway involvement
IV.ah - Bronchopericardial fistula V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement - Pneumopericardium VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VI.o VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.o - Air/gas embolism VI.z VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.z - Pulmonary vein stenosis VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Pulmonary infarction VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Pulmonary vein perforation/rupture VII.d VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.d - Fibrosing mediastinitis VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.h VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.h - Vocal cord dysfunction, adduction, closure, injury VIII.j VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.j - Laryngeal disorder-Laryngeal nerve palsy (dysphonia, hoarseness) IX.j IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.j - Phrenic nerve injury - Hemi- or bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis IX.n IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.n - Vagal nerve injury (may cause GE reflux/GERD) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.h XI - Miscellaneous
XI.h - Esophageal pathology (erosion, ulcer, tear, rupture, fistula) XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI - Miscellaneous - Pericardial-esophageal fistula XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Coronary vasospasm - Vasospastic angina XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Postcardiac/-cardiotomy injury (PCIS-Dressler syndrome) XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Perforation of the heart - Cardiac rupture XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Atrio-esophageal fistula XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Atrial septal defect, acquired XII.bk XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.bk - Pulmonary vein thrombosis XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.ah XV - Pathology
XV.ah - Path: Pulmonary congestion XV.ak XV - Pathology
XV.ak - Path: Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) XV - Pathology - Path: Pulmonary vein stenosis XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.l XVI - Imaging
XVI.l - Imaging: Peribronchovascular areas of consolidation XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Pulmonary vein stenosis XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Localized calcification of pulmonary vein or veins XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease - Pulmonary infiltrates II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.h III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.h - Major/massive hemoptysis III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV.z IV - Airway involvement
IV.z - Bronchial wall erosion/hematoma IV.ah IV - Airway involvement
IV.ah - Bronchopericardial fistula V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs) V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement - Pneumopericardium VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension VI.o VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.o - Air/gas embolism VI.z VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.z - Pulmonary vein stenosis VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Pulmonary infarction VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Pulmonary vein perforation/rupture VII.d VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.d - Fibrosing mediastinitis VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.h VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.h - Vocal cord dysfunction, adduction, closure, injury VIII.j VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.j - Laryngeal disorder-Laryngeal nerve palsy (dysphonia, hoarseness) IX.j IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.j - Phrenic nerve injury - Hemi- or bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis IX.n IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.n - Vagal nerve injury (may cause GE reflux/GERD) XI.b XI - Miscellaneous
XI.b - Chest pain (acute or subacute), lone or prominent XI.h XI - Miscellaneous
XI.h - Esophageal pathology (erosion, ulcer, tear, rupture, fistula) XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI - Miscellaneous - Pericardial-esophageal fistula XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Coronary vasospasm - Vasospastic angina XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Postcardiac/-cardiotomy injury (PCIS-Dressler syndrome) XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Perforation of the heart - Cardiac rupture XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Atrio-esophageal fistula XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Atrial septal defect, acquired XII.bk XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.bk - Pulmonary vein thrombosis XV.g XV - Pathology
XV.g - Path: Alveolar hemorrhage (see also IIIa) XV.ah XV - Pathology
XV.ah - Path: Pulmonary congestion XV.ak XV - Pathology
XV.ak - Path: Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) XV - Pathology - Path: Pulmonary vein stenosis XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing XVI.l XVI - Imaging
XVI.l - Imaging: Peribronchovascular areas of consolidation XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Pulmonary vein stenosis XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Localized calcification of pulmonary vein or veins XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia
Corticosteroids, systemic (oral, parenteral)
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.b III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.b - Pneumorenal syndrome (w/wo ANCAs) IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.e VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.e - Fat/oil embolism - The FES embolism syndrome VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Right ventricular outflow tract compression VII.c VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.c - Mediastinal lipomatosis VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VII.j VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.j - Compression of mediastinal structures/organs VIII.g VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.g - Tracheal narrowing - Sabre sheath trachea IX.a IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.a - Diaphragm/inspiratory muscle weakness/paralysis (w/wo ARF) IX.f IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.f - Hiccup IX.m IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.m - Epidural thoracic lipomatosis IX.p IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.p - Disordered breathing during sleep - Sleep apnea IX.v IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.v - Generalized myopathy/muscle weakness X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Scleroderma renal crisis X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Rhabdomyolysis (see also under Xj) XI.v XI - Miscellaneous
XI.v - Rib fracture XI - Miscellaneous - Vertebral compression fracture XI - Miscellaneous - Cushing syndrome XI - Miscellaneous - Diminished efficacy of antineoplastic immunotherapy XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.v XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.v - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Subpleural fat deposits XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Mediastinal fatty deposits XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.d XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.d - Pneumocystis jiroveci pulmonary colonization XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.j XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.j - Mucormycosis (pulmonary, tracheobronchial or systemic) XVII.m XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.m - Fungal airway infection XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XVII.r XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.r - Fungal infection (pulmonary/extrapulmonary) XVII.v XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.v - Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection (w/wo DAH) XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XVII - Infections & related conditions - A falsely negative/indeterminate IGRA test result
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.d II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.d - Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.b III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.b - Pneumorenal syndrome (w/wo ANCAs) IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VI.e VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.e - Fat/oil embolism - The FES embolism syndrome VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies - Right ventricular outflow tract compression VII.c VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.c - Mediastinal lipomatosis VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VII.h VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.h - Pneumomediastinum VII.j VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.j - Compression of mediastinal structures/organs VIII.g VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.g - Tracheal narrowing - Sabre sheath trachea IX.a IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.a - Diaphragm/inspiratory muscle weakness/paralysis (w/wo ARF) IX.f IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.f - Hiccup IX.m IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.m - Epidural thoracic lipomatosis IX.p IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.p - Disordered breathing during sleep - Sleep apnea IX.v IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.v - Generalized myopathy/muscle weakness X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Scleroderma renal crisis X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Rhabdomyolysis (see also under Xj) XI.v XI - Miscellaneous
XI.v - Rib fracture XI - Miscellaneous - Vertebral compression fracture XI - Miscellaneous - Cushing syndrome XI - Miscellaneous - Diminished efficacy of antineoplastic immunotherapy XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure XII.l XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.l - Cardiac arrhythmias or dysrhythmias (AF, VT, VF, TdP) XII.v XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.v - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Subpleural fat deposits XVI - Imaging - Imaging: Mediastinal fatty deposits XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma) XVII.d XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.d - Pneumocystis jiroveci pulmonary colonization XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.j XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.j - Mucormycosis (pulmonary, tracheobronchial or systemic) XVII.m XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.m - Fungal airway infection XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection XVII.r XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.r - Fungal infection (pulmonary/extrapulmonary) XVII.v XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.v - Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection (w/wo DAH) XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XVII - Infections & related conditions - A falsely negative/indeterminate IGRA test result
II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XII.u XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.u - Left-sided intracavitary thrombosis
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XII.u XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.u - Left-sided intracavitary thrombosis
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf) I.v I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.v - Abnormal lung function/pulmonary physiology (PFTs) without necessarily imaging or clinical evidence II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury II.i II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.i - Flash (fulminate) pulmonary edema III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.ak IV - Airway involvement
IV.ak - Cough variant asthma VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.x VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.x - Opportunistic large airway infection (bacterial, fungal, viral) IX.t IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.t - CNS involvement/dysfunction/damage IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Flare of preexisting vasculitis XI.n XI - Miscellaneous
XI.n - Neutropenia, agranulocytosis (w/wo infection/sepsis) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.j XV - Pathology
XV.j - Path: Pulmonary fibrosis (UIP-pattern) XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.m XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.m - Fungal airway infection XVII.q XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.q - Viral pneumonia XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XXI.c XXI - Rechallenge data
XXI.c - Tolerance can be induced successfully starting with minute dosage of the drug
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS) I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD) I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging) I.g I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.g - Pulmonary fibrosis I.l I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.l - Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (see alsoo under IIb and XVf) I.v I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.v - Abnormal lung function/pulmonary physiology (PFTs) without necessarily imaging or clinical evidence II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE) II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury II.i II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.i - Flash (fulminate) pulmonary edema III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.c IV - Airway involvement
IV.c - Obliterative bronchiolitis (a pattern consistent with) (see also IVn, XVx) IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone) IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of) IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis IV.ak IV - Airway involvement
IV.ak - Cough variant asthma VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.x VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.x - Opportunistic large airway infection (bacterial, fungal, viral) IX.t IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.t - CNS involvement/dysfunction/damage IX.ab IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.ab - Guillain-Barré (or GB-like) syndrome (w/wo ARF) X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal) X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement) X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic) X.n X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.n - Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Flare of preexisting vasculitis XI.n XI - Miscellaneous
XI.n - Neutropenia, agranulocytosis (w/wo infection/sepsis) XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic) XII.g XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.g - Coronary artery disease (acute) - Myocardial ischemia/infarction XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id) XV.j XV - Pathology
XV.j - Path: Pulmonary fibrosis (UIP-pattern) XVII.a XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.a - Respiratory tract infection incl. pneumonia XVII.b XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.b - Opportunistic pulmonary/systemic infections XVII.e XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.e - Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo XVII.m XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.m - Fungal airway infection XVII.q XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.q - Viral pneumonia XVII.w XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.w - Hypogammaglobulinemia - Antibody deficiency XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes XXI.c XXI - Rechallenge data
XXI.c - Tolerance can be induced successfully starting with minute dosage of the drug
II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal)
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal) VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal)
Thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) agents
III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death) VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XII.k XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.k - Constrictive pericarditis - Pericardial thickening
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death) VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XII.k XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.k - Constrictive pericarditis - Pericardial thickening
I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.i - Diffuse pulmonary calcification (calciphylaxis) I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI.aj XI - Miscellaneous
XI.aj - Congenital respiratory malformations in the fetus XI - Miscellaneous - Calciphylaxis XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma
I.i - Diffuse pulmonary calcification (calciphylaxis) I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH) III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma) IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI.aj XI - Miscellaneous
XI.aj - Congenital respiratory malformations in the fetus XI - Miscellaneous - Calciphylaxis XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma