Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)

See also under VIIIa. Typically acute. May be due to edema, hematoma or rigidity. Increased tongue volume can cause serious breathing difficulties by obstructing the air passage and compressing the soft palate. Asphyxia may ensue. Speedy control of the airway is essential

Last update : 01/01/1970

Causative drugs


Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)

I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD)
I.c I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.c - Eosinophilic pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia)
IV.a IV - Airway involvement
IV.a - Bronchospasm - Wheezing - Asthma
IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone)
IV.f IV - Airway involvement
IV.f - Severe or catastrophic bronchospasm or asthma attack (can be fatal)
IV.g IV - Airway involvement
IV.g - Cough syncope
V.a V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.a - Pleural effusion (uni- or bilateral) (can accompany DI-LDs)
V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion
V.d V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.d - Pleural/pericardial effusion, ANA positive (DI lupus)
VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death)
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
VIII.y VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.y - Sinonasal discharge, -blockage, -obstruction VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement - Hemilingual (angio)edema
IX.e IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.e - Disordered breathing pattern - Cheynes-Stokes respiration
IX.q IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.q - Obstructive sleep apnea
X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd) X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Visceral angioedema
XIII.a XIII - Neoplastic conditions
XIII.a - Lung cancer
XVI.bu XVI - Imaging
XVI.bu - Imaging: Upper/central airway narrowing
XVIII.f XVIII - Distinctive patterns - 'Eye-catchers'
XVIII.f - Eye-catcher: Tongue edema

Anticoagulants, oral (vitamin K antagonists-VKA)

I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis
III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma
III.k III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.k - Epistaxis IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings
V.e V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.e - Hemothorax - Serosanguineous pleural effusion
V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion
VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma
VIII.a VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.a - Angioedema (may cause UAO, asphyxia and death)
VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
VIII.u VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.u - Vocal cord hematoma
VIII.v VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.v - Retropharyngeal hematoma (may cause UAO)
IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma
X.a X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.a - DRES syndrome - DRESS-like reaction
XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression) XI - Miscellaneous - Rectus abdominis hematoma XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma
XIX.d XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.d - BAL: Gross or microscopic bleeding/hemorrhage
XIX.e XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.e - BAL: Stainable iron in macrophages
XXIV.e XXIV - Veterinary medicine
XXIV.e - Veterinary: Tracheal hemorrhage, stenosis, collapse


I.n I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.n - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP)
II.a II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.a - Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic (NCPE)
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
IV.e IV - Airway involvement
IV.e - Cough (acute, violent, explosive)
IV.g IV - Airway involvement
IV.g - Cough syncope
VIII.c VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.c - Upper airway obstruction other than angioedema or hematoma
VIII.e VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.e - Laryngospasm (a.k.a. laryngismus)
VIII.h VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.h - Vocal cord dysfunction, adduction, closure, injury
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
IX.c IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.c - Chest wall muscle rigidity - Stiff/wooden chest
IX.d IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.d - Respiratory failure from ventilatory depression (due to neuromuscular blockade/paralysis)
IX.i IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.i - Respiratory arrest - Apnea
IX.t IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.t - CNS involvement/dysfunction/damage
X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal)
XI.g XI - Miscellaneous
XI.g - Aspiration, aspiration pneumonia (w/wo demonstrable pharyngeal dysmotility)
XI.r XI - Miscellaneous
XI.r - Death following exposure or poisoning
XII.f XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.f - Cardiomyopathy (acute, subacute, chronic)
XII.n XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.n - Cardiovascular collapse - Cardiogenic shock - Hypotension


I.a I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.a - Pneumonitis (ILD), acute and/or severe (may cause ARDS)
I.b I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.b - Pneumonitis (ILD)
I.d I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.d - Organizing pneumonia pattern (an area or areas of consolidation on imaging)
I.f I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.f - Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP)
I.m I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.m - ILD with a granulomatous component
I.o I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.o - Focal/localized area of pneumonitis/fibrosis
I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease - Radiation recall pneumonitis
II.b II - Pulmonary edema - Acute lung injury - ARDS
II.b - ARDS - Acute lung injury
III.h III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.h - Major/massive hemoptysis
III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar)
IV.d IV - Airway involvement
IV.d - Cough (lone)
IV.j IV - Airway involvement
IV.j - Bronchiolitis (a clinical-imaging pattern suggestive of)
IV.k IV - Airway involvement
IV.k - Bronchiectasis
IV.n IV - Airway involvement
IV.n - Obstructive airway dysfunction (see also IVc, XVx)
IV.t IV - Airway involvement
IV.t - Sptutum production - Bronchorrhea - 'Bronchitis'
IV.y IV - Airway involvement
IV.y - Eosinophilic airway disease (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis) IV - Airway involvement - Exacerbation or deterioration of preexisting asthma IV - Airway involvement - Large airway inflammation - Tracheitis (w/wo tissue eosinophilia)
V.m V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.m - Pleuropericarditis - Pleuropericardial effusion (ANA unknown or negative)
VI.a VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.a - Pulmonary embolism - Venous thrombosis/thromboembolism
VI.b VI - Pulmonary vasculopathies
VI.b - Pulmonary arterial hypertension
VII.a VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.a - Lymphadenopathy (intrathoracic)
VII.e VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.e - Granulomatous mediastinal lymphadenopathy
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
VIII.t VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.t - Vocal cord paresis/paralysis
IX.r IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.r - Myasthenia gravis - Myasthenic-like syndrome
X.b X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.b - Antiphospholipid antibodies w/wo the APL syndrome
X.c X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.c - Capillary leak syndrome (CLS)
X.d X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.d - Lupus - Lupus syndrome (see also Vd)
X.f X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.f - Anaphylaxis-Anaphylactoid reaction (can be fatal)
X.g X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.g - Hypersensitivity reaction (may manifest with fever and/or skin, throat or airway involvement)
X.j X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.j - Myopathy-Myositis-Polymyositis (see also under Xba)
X.k X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.k - Sarcoid-like granulomatosis (endo-/extrathoracic)
X.m X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.m - Vascultis (pulmonary, extrathoracic or systemic)-ANCA status unknown or negative)
X.s X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.s - Vasculitis, pulmonary (w/wo AH), extrapulmonary, systemic: ANCA-positive
X.ah X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ah - Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (typically ANCA pos.) - GPA flare X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Cytokine release syndrome - Cytokine storm X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Connective tissue disease X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions - Scleroderma
X.ay X - Systemic/Distant conditions, syndromes and reactions
X.ay - Polymyalgia rheumatica
XI.d XI - Miscellaneous
XI.d - Metabolic acidosis (incl. lactic acidosis/-gap). May cause hyperpnea/dyspnea
XI.n XI - Miscellaneous
XI.n - Neutropenia, agranulocytosis (w/wo infection/sepsis)
XII.a XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.a - Left or biventricular dysfunction/failure
XII.c XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.c - Pericardial effusion (w/wo tamponade)
XII.d XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.d - Myocarditis (can be fulminant)
XII.s XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity
XII.s - Heart block (bundle branch- or AV-)
XV.a XV - Pathology
XV.a - Path: NSIP-cellular pattern (see also Ia, Ib)
XV.b XV - Pathology
XV.b - Path: Eosinophilic pneumonia (subacute or acute) (see also Ic)
XV.c XV - Pathology
XV.c - Path: Organizing pneumonia (OP/BOOP) pattern (see also Id)
XV.d XV - Pathology
XV.d - Path: Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP-pattern) (see also If)
XV.e XV - Pathology
XV.e - Path: ILD with a granulomatous component (see also Im)
XV.f XV - Pathology
XV.f - Path: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD-pattern) (see also IL)
XV.x XV - Pathology
XV.x - Path: Acute/subacute bronchiolitis (see also IVc, IVi) XV - Pathology - Path: Airway inflammation XV - Pathology - Path: Myocardial vasculitis
XVI.b XVI - Imaging
XVI.b - Imaging: Ground-glass opacities (GGO) / shadowing
XVI.e XVI - Imaging
XVI.e - Imaging: Pulmonary opacities with a subpleural distribution
XVI.k XVI - Imaging
XVI.k - Imaging: An area or areas of consolidation
XVI.v XVI - Imaging
XVI.v - Imaging: Centrilobular micronodules (can be diffuse)
XVI.z XVI - Imaging
XVI.z - Imaging: A large nodule or a mass XVI - Imaging - Imaging: A 'tree-in-bud' pattern
XVII.c XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.c - Aspergillosis, pulmonary (invasive, allergic [ABPA], or mycetoma)
XVII.g XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.g - Tuberculosis (pulmonary, pulmonary, extrapulmonary or disseminated). Reactivation or de novo
XVII.o XVII - Infections & related conditions
XVII.o - Nocardia pulmonary/systemic infection
XIX.a XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.a - BAL: An excess proportion of lymphocytes
XIX.b XIX - Cytological, biochemical features of/in BAL, pleural fluid or FNA
XIX.b - BAL: An excess proportion of neutrophils


I.i I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.i - Diffuse pulmonary calcification (calciphylaxis)
I.y I - Interstitial/parenchymal lung disease
I.y - Progression, acceleration or exacerbation of preexisting ILD/fibrosis
III.a III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.a - Alveolar hemorrhage (AH), diffuse AH (DAH)
III.c III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.c - Hemoptysis
III.e III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.e - Pulmonary hematoma
III.l III - Pulmonary/alveolar./airway hemorrhage/bleeding
III.l - Alveolar hemorrhage, localized (e.g. lobar) IV - Airway involvement - Calcification of tracheobronchial cartilaginous rings
V.b V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.b - Eosinophilic pleural effusion
V.n V - Pleural and/or pericardial involvement
V.n - Hemopericardium - Bloody pericardial effusion
VII.g VII - Mediastinal involvement
VII.g - Hemomediastinum - Mediastinal hematoma
VIII.b VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.b - Hematoma of/around central airway wall potentially causing UAO
VIII.q VIII - Central-large-upper airway (incl. pharyngeal-nasal) involvement
VIII.q - Tongue involvement (edema, glossitis, hematoma)
IX.x IX - Neuromuscular / CNS involvement - Disordered breathing during sleep
IX.x - Thoracic epidural or spinal hematoma
XI.k XI - Miscellaneous
XI.k - Esophageal hematoma (may cause chest pain and/or tracheal compression)
XI.aj XI - Miscellaneous
XI.aj - Congenital respiratory malformations in the fetus XI - Miscellaneous - Calciphylaxis XII - Cardiovascular involvement / toxicity - Calcification of the coronary artery walls or atheroma